
Saturday May 16, 2020
SL 43: Mark 16:1-8
Saturday May 16, 2020
Saturday May 16, 2020
If we are going to experience Jesus we might respond in some strange ways. But I would rather be trembling and bewildered from an experience with God than to stay at home and never experience the resurrection power of God.

Saturday May 16, 2020
The Trinity
Saturday May 16, 2020
Saturday May 16, 2020
The Trinity is a sermon preached by Ryan Rogers for the Palmer SDA Church service on May 16, 2020. It is the first sermon in the Fundamentals sermon series.

Saturday May 16, 2020
SLFK 43: Matthew 10:19-20
Saturday May 16, 2020
Saturday May 16, 2020
Do you ever forget what you were going to say? God promises to speak for us when we really need the right words.

Friday May 15, 2020
SLFK 42: Matthew 10:16-18
Friday May 15, 2020
Friday May 15, 2020
Jesus has a mission for us! If we want to go on a mission for Jesus it will be hard but He will never ever leave us!

Friday May 15, 2020
SL 42: Mark 15:16-25
Friday May 15, 2020
Friday May 15, 2020
It is the attitude that put Christ on the cross that keeps Him off the throne in our hearts. How are you responding to Jesus?

Friday May 15, 2020
The Holy Scriptures
Friday May 15, 2020
Friday May 15, 2020
The Holy Scriptures is a sermon preached by Ryan Rogers for the Palmer SDA Church service on May 9, 2020. It is the first sermon in the Fundamentals sermon series.

Thursday May 14, 2020
SL 41: Mark 15:6-11
Thursday May 14, 2020
Thursday May 14, 2020
When we are blinded by sin what things do we choose over Jesus?

Thursday May 14, 2020
SLFK 41: Matthew 9:35-38
Thursday May 14, 2020
Thursday May 14, 2020
Jesus wants more workers to help people know Him. Do you want to be one of those workers?

Wednesday May 13, 2020
SL 40: Mark 14:43-50
Wednesday May 13, 2020
Wednesday May 13, 2020
Coming to God with swords and clubs is entirely pointless. We cannot force God. He listens to us and loves to respond but not because He is intimidated by the size of our sword. As you come to Jesus today, come unarmed.

Wednesday May 13, 2020
SLFK 40: Matthew 9:9-13
Wednesday May 13, 2020
Wednesday May 13, 2020
We don’t have to be perfect for Jesus to want to be with us! He wants to be with people who have problems, like us! And while He is with us He helps us with our problems.